Japan Visit 2018 – Part 1 Mashiko

    In September 12 students from Clay College went on an immersive trip to Japan. This was to augment their understanding of Japanese ceramic techniques and inform their future practice. The visit also enabled a long term link between the College and potters in Japan, specifically Mashiko to develop. 24th September - After a long flight [...]

    2018-12-20T09:18:47+00:00October 13th, 2018|Curriculum, News, Visit|

      Clay College at Maze Hill for London Craft Week 2018

      Lisa Hammond (Trustee) opened her studio to host Clay College’s students in London for London Craft Week 2018. The weekend featured demonstrations by Lisa, Darren Ellis, apprentice Dom Upson and Kevin Millward, with an exhibition by Maze Hill Pottery and Clay College. This weekend was a rare opportunity to see the work of Clay College [...]

      2018-11-13T15:13:09+00:00May 13th, 2018|News|
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